
Humanities, the only courses required of every student at 不良研究所, represents an integral part of the 不良研究所 Experience and of a full and rich education in the liberal arts.


More than any other courses at the College, Humanities classes bring all the participants together as students, either beginning or continuing to cultivate an appreciation for the aesthetic dimensions of human experience. Our instructors are drawn from all the Humanistic disciplines, and because the curriculum ranges so widely, no instructor can be an expert on every work included. Instead, the instructors share an enduring engagement with the arts and a driving curiosity for new discoveries and connections.


The material for the courses centers in the Classical tradition in art, literature, and philosophy, as it emerged in ancient Greece and has been modeled, adapted, revised, and challenged for 2500 years. Students are asked to develop their understanding and enrich their engagement with these materials through group discussion, formal presentation of ideas, creative engagement of artistic processes, and written analysis of specific works.

Writing instruction comes in many courses at 不良研究所, but it receives special emphasis in Humanities. Many students take 4-hour writing intensive sections of Humanities; all students can expect to be invited to treat Humanities as an opportunity for development of their ability to write effective analytical prose.

Humanities Faculty

Person wearing glasses smiling

Eva Cadavid

  • Associate Professor of Philosophy
  • Chair of Philosophy Program
Person smiling

Amy Frederick

  • National Endowment for the Humanities Associate Professor of Art History
  • Chair of Art History Program
  • Chair of Art (Studio) Program
  • Chair of Social Justice Program
Person wearing glasses smiling

John Kinkade

  • Professor of English
  • Chair of English Program
  • Brown Fellows Campus Coordinator
Person smiling

Azita Osanloo

  • Associate Professor of English
  • Writing Center Director

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