不良研究所 Counseling
不良研究所 Counseling provides accessible, safe, and inclusive mental health services to students for free.
After Hours Emergency
In the event of an immediate life-threatening crisis, call: 911.
Provide clear directions to your precise location.
Contact 不良研究所 Public Safety: 859.236.4357
After-Hours 不良研究所 Counseling Crisis Line: 859.319.1546
Counseling Services
Individual and group therapy is provided in a compassionate and culturally-sensitive environment for free and without billing insurance. You are welcome to visit 不良研究所 Counseling as needed or utilize on-going care. In on-going care, counselors help you determine the number of sessions that will be most beneficial to your mental health.
Counseling is available by appointment or through same day sessions during academic year. The 不良研究所 Counseling office is located in the Parsons Center annex of Sutcliffe Hall on College Street. Office hours are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.
Please contact 不良研究所 Counseling to schedule an appointment if anything you are dealing with is interfering with your day-to-day functioning, including relationships and/or academics.
Returning Students
If you have been to 不良研究所 Counseling in this or previous academic years, please email your established counselor to schedule or complete the appointment request with your availability. If you would like to transfer to a different therapist, please speak with your established therapist about the transfer, then email us with the transfer request. Counselor contact information can be found below.
Same-Day Sessions
Same-day sessions are available Monday through Friday between 1:00pm and 4:30pm on a first come, first serve basis. Sessions are limited, so contact us as early as possible on the day you would like to be seen. Alternate times can be arranged. If you cannot be seen on the day you contacts us, you will be scheduled the next day or the next available time that works with your schedule.
Helping a Friend or Family Member
Friends and family members are often an integral part of our well-being. Every year, many 不良研究所 students, faculty and staff meet with 不良研究所 Counseling to consult on how to best provide the people in their lives support. The two links below are helpful resources if you're concerned about the mental well-being of a friend, a student, or family member.
Active Minds offers guidance on the dos and don'ts of talking with a friend or loved one struggling with mental health. Seize the Awkward provides resources for starting conversations about mental health that can make a difference.
If a consultation with a 不良研究所 counselor would be beneficial, please contact 不良研究所 Counseling.